Not Putting on a Shirt

by Not Putting on a Shirt

Note: Featured image is 8 days post-op.

 Cancer Surgeon /  Upstate New York Area / 702 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

Note: this provider is a plastic surgeon who performs aesthetic flat closure (and Goldilocks) at initial mastectomy.

 Breast Specialist Plastic Surgeon /  New York City Area / 770 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

Note: this provider offers the Goldilocks (SWIM) mastectomy

 Breast Specialist Plastic Surgeon /  Upstate New York Area / 818 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

 Breast Surgeon /  Germany / 364 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

 Breast Surgeon /  Germany / 375 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

 Breast Surgeon /  Germany / 605 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

Note: This provider's name is pronounced "eye-kigh"

 Cancer Surgeon /  Kentucky / 616 views

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