Breast Surgeon

General surgeon who specializes in breast cancer surgery.

by Not Putting on a Shirt

 Breast Surgeon /  Detroit Area / 394 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

Note: this provider is Hidden Scar certified for both mastectomy and lumpectomy.

 Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon /  Montana / 372 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

Note: This surgeon works with a plastic surgeon to provide the Goldilocks mastectomy.

 Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon /  Minneapolis Area / 738 views

by Not Putting on a Shirt

Note: this provider's previous name was Carolyn Parma Note: this provider is Hidden Scar certified. Note: this provider was previously located in California.

 Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon /  Chicago Area / 495 views

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