Flat Friendly Surgeons Directory

Facing Surgery?

Ensure your choice to go flat is respected.

Since 2018, our Directory has featured flat friendly general, breast, plastic, and oncoplastic surgeons across the US and beyond, who have either been recommended by women who were satisfied with their flat results or have proactively applied and met our listing criteria.

Please read the Disclaimer below and click “I Agree” to access the search tool.


1. Any and all information provided by Not Putting on a Shirt (“NPOAS”) and its representatives is for informational purposes only and should not to be considered as medical or legal advice. Statements should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed physician. In using the online tools and information provided by NPOAS, you accept the terms and conditions of this Disclaimer.

2. If you wish to go flat, please be warned that not all surgeons will respect your wishes. That is why NPOAS exists as an advocacy organization. The Flat Friendly Surgeons Directory  (“Directory”) is a database of general, breast surgeons and plastic surgeons who have either:

2.a. been recommended directly by women who went flat via mastectomy, explant, and/or revision surgery by these surgeons, OR

2.b. applied to be listed on the Directory and been approved because they meet the following criteria:

2.b.i. they are supportive of aesthetic flat closure as a valid reconstructive choice, and

2.b.ii. they have provided one or more acceptable photos of their flat closure(s)

3. As of 2022, “Goldilocks” mastectomy surgeons are also included in the Directory under the special category “Goldilocks.” These surgeons typically meet all of the criteria for inclusion as a “Flat Friendly” surgeon (as defined in section 2 of this Disclaimer); however, there are cases where a Goldilocks mastectomy is performed with the intent of creating small breast mounds rather than an aesthetic flat closure. In these few cases, the surgeon will still be included in this Directory, but with the following note on their listing:

“This surgeon offers the Goldilocks mastectomy and was recommended for Goldilocks to produce small breast mounds. They may or may not meet the specific inclusion criteria for the Flat Friendly Surgeons Directory as a surgeon specializing in aesthetic flat closure (AFC). As always, if you are considering an AFC, please be sure to discuss your aesthetic goals with your surgeon to ensure you are on the same page about NOT wanting breast mounds.”

4. Please be aware of the following:

4.a. NPOAS has no relationship whatsoever with any of these surgeons beyond a medical one with the sole exception of trusted members of our Advisory Council (membership in which does not preclude inclusion in the Directory). No money, fees or compensation of any kind is paid by or collected from these surgeons in regards to this Directory.

4.b. While NPOAS strives to keep all Directory information accurate and up to date, please be aware that NPOAS has not, and can not, guarantee specific results from any of these surgeons. NPOAS takes no legal or ethical responsibility or liability for your personal experiences with them. PLEASE DO YOUR OWN CAREFUL RESEARCH AND DUE DILIGENCE RESEARCHING AND INTERVIEWING THESE SURGEONS. A surgeon’s appearance on this Directory is NO GUARANTEE of the surgeon’s behavior, skill, and/or performance.

5. Please also note that everyone’s body is different, and you should not expect a “perfect” flat result following mastectomy, explant, or revision surgery, even if your surgeon does the best s/he/they can. The surgeons that are listed on the Directory by application are there because they proactively sought to be included, support aesthetic flat closure and provided one or more photos of their work to demonstrate their surgical skill. The surgeons that are listed on the Directory by direct patient recommendation are there because the women recommending them felt that they:

5.a. respected them and their wishes to be flat,

5.b. were technically competent in surgical technique to achieve a flat result, AND

5.c. did the best they could to give them the results they desired.

6. NPOAS welcomes any feedback you may have about these surgeons, whether positive or negative. NPOAS may, at the discretion of the relevant committee, remove a listing according to our established listing review policy.  Please find the complaint form here. Please email NPOAS at info@notputtingonashirt.org with all other comments or questions.

Click below to find a surgeon:

Happy with your flat closure surgeon? Recommend them here!

Your recommendation helps grow our directory and reach more women facing surgery so that they can ensure their choice is respected. Thank you for your help!

Dissatisfied with your Directory surgeon experience? We welcome your feedback.

The Directory directly empowers women going flat to advocate for and protect their choice, and your feedback is critical to ensuring the integrity of this important tool.

Surgeons! Apply to be listed, or update your current listing information here.

Help us help patients seeking aesthetic flat closure find YOU! Keep your practice and contact information up to date, send us photos of your flat closures, and more. You may also request to be removed from the Directory at any time.

Remembering Directory Surgeons We Have Lost

Dr. Lee headshot - Flat Friendly Surgeon - aesthetic flat closure

Dr. John C. Lee

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Northeast Plastic Surgery Center (Waterford, CT)

July 02, 2021


Find out more!



This site contains copyrighted material. Not Putting on a Shirt’s educational materials and resources on this site are freely available for “fair use” (Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107) in accordance with our mission to advocate for optimal outcomes for those who choose to go flat after mastectomy.  The copyrighted material on this site is distributed for educational purposes without profit – all donations to Not Putting on a Shirt directly fund our advocacy work. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes that go beyond “fair use”, you must first obtain explicit permission from the copyright owner. Please direct requests or questions to info@notputtingonashirt.org.