Guest Blog: At the Intersection of My Flat Chest and an Antiquated System of Care

Women everywhere are calling for the standard of surgical breast cancer options to shift and include flat closure. We’re finally positioned culturally and historically to demand autonomy over our health care choices, and how we express our ideas of what is truly healthy and beautiful for ourselves. Breast cancer has become ground zero, where theContinue reading “Guest Blog: At the Intersection of My Flat Chest and an Antiquated System of Care”

Tina – Flat Has Been Freeing

Editor: It’s been some months since we published our last personal story of going flat. Today we hear from Tina Rattunde, a woman who tested positive for the BRCA2 mutation after watching multiple family members deal with breast cancer. She chose to go flat in July of 2016. Her surgical oncologist wanted her to seeContinue reading “Tina – Flat Has Been Freeing”